3 super easy and healthy breakfast ideas

Are you a breakfast lover or do you prefer to eat nothing early in the morning? It’s not that bad to start the day with a healthy and delicious breakfast! You are in hurry very often? Try out one of my 3 super easy and healthy breakfast ideas. 5 reasons why you should eat breakfast … Weiterlesen

A simple banana almond smoothie


Super easy and healthy

I recognized I haven’t shared one of my absolutely easiest and delicious smoothie with banana and almond butter (or raw almonds). When I haven’t much time in the morning or forget to prepare my breakfast in advance I mix up this smoothie. It Is full of healthy ingredients and makes me full for longer because I added some oats. As you already know I always stock a jar of self-made almond butter. If you like to know how you can make almond butter by yourself, read more on this post: Vanilla Almond Butter at the end from the post

One of my favorite smoothies every is my Cashew Lemon Smoothie with turmeric . I drink it 3 times a week because I haven’t find another smoothie which is more delicious for me. You only need to soak the cashew nuts a day before and simple add banana, turmeric, dates and vanilla. It’s soooo good! But to be honest it is really hard to decide which one is better. This banana almond version or the cashew lemon version. I love both. In the past I added lots of superfoods to my smoothies. In the meantime I don’t do that because I’m not really sure if I need them. My option changed. I think we don’t need lots of superfoods to live more healthy. It is totally enough to use natural superfoods like kale, beetroot or linseeds. A few superfoods are still in my kitchen. One is maca. I still eat it because I like the taste not only it’s healthy.



Some people ask me if I get full by drinking a smoothie. YES! Because I add some filling ingredients as well. If you like to get some ideas read my blog post: perfect smoothies.
I’m sure you find some ideas you didn’t know yet.

Thank you all for your nice feedback for my running Blog carnival “healthyfastfood4. I didn’t know so many people would be join so fast! It is still open until 30th September. If you want to participate it’s not difficult. Read more easy instructions here: Blog Carnival

If you using bananas in a smoothie it is really important to use ripe ones. My biggest tip for preparing smoothies is to freeze bananas in chunks. You have them ripe on hand in time. Perfect!

I bought coconut butter and use it in this smoothie. You can also use oil instead of the butter.
The butter is thicker and includes the flesh as well. It’s more like almond butter and it’s more creamy. Like a creamy puree.


A simple banana almond smoothie
Recipe type: smoothies
  • Recipe
  • Banana Almond Smoothie
  • Serve 1
  • 1 ripe frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp almond butter (or 3 tbsp raw almonds, soaked if possible)
  • 1 tsp coconut butter
  • ½ tsp ground vanilla
  • 250ml almond milk (or any other milk you prefer)
  • 2 tbsp rolled oats
  1. Add all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Enjoy!

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Favorites of the week

What is your favorite cookbook? Mine is “At home in the whole food kitchen” from the one and only Amy Chaplin

Have you seen Lynns “Plum Cake with Buckwheat & Spelt Dough”? I love love love the plum time!

Because I don’t made many chia breakfasts I highly recommend Melanie’s “Passionfruit Chia Smootie Cups

You could be interested in these posts as well

Learn how to create the perfect smoothies with „Make the perfect smoothie more filling

My absolutely favorite smoothie! With Lemon and cashew nuts and turmeric! Excellent superfood!

Kale is such a great natural superfood to add in a smoothie. This one is really sweet and tasty: Creamy Kale Detox Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie from @klaraslife


Who gets mouth watering by reading apple pie? You will love this smoothie for sure!

I’m totally happy today because I introduce you to a special girl I met on Instagram. I love to share my passion of food and blogging with others who feel exactly the same. It is really special to learn all this blogging and photography stuff and it is really helpful to talk to each other and learn. Klara is a person living in Germany with her dog and her chickens (aww I love them!). She is a quiet and balanced young woman who shares her passion of food in her blog and Instagram account. I adore her recipes and love every single one. It’s a dream from us to visit a food photography course together sometime. It is a bit difficult because we live far away from each other. I’m so happy to publish an interview as well as one of my favorite smoothies from her. Her apple pie smoothie. This creamy filling smoothie is a base in my weekly breakfast routine. It is easy to prepare, super healthy and tasty so good. Thank you Klara!

Interview with Klara

What’s your Name?

My name is Kathrin Salzwedel.

Where are you living?

I live in a small town near to the beautiful university town of Tübingen.

Can you tell me something about you?

I love to be in nature, preferably on horseback or while hiking in the mountains. I also go running regularly during the week. You can enjoy your workout and your head will be free.
On my blog Klaraslife I share my passion for healthy, simple and delicious dishes.

Wheat means healthy living for you?

Besides my passion for nature. I live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Healthy living means to me, that you can hear what your body wants and needed. He knows very well what we needed.
If possible avoid stress and hectic to take time for themselves and learn to appreciate the little things in life. This has all to do with each other. I always like to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, plant based or coconut yogurt or vegan cheese. Everything fresh and without additives. If I’m sweet tooth have, then I eat a piece chocolate or homemade cake.
And I´m happy. One should not put under pressure, it is „only“ eat 🙂

What is your favorite meal?

I’m a total breakfast lover. I prefer to get up earlier, than I start my day without my breakfast. My favorite food is overnight soaked oats and porridges in different versions; with fresh fruit, nut butter or with matcha or baobab powder. And smoothies like my Apple Pie Smoothie.

Apple Pie Smoothie from Klara

Serve 1

200ml almond milk (or any other milk you prefer)
2 small apples (pelled)
5 tbsp rolled oats
2 tbsp hemp seed
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Place oats and the milk into your blender and let it soak for 30 minutes. The oats should be soften.
  2. Now add all ingredients into the blender. Blend until soft. If it too thick add more milk.

*NOTES: If you don´t have time in the morning, soak your oats overnight!

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Ohne Titel

Website: klaraslifeblog
Instagram: @klaraslife

You could be interested in these posts as well:

  1. Make the perfect smoothie more filling
  2. Spirulina Smoothie Bowl with green
  3. Blueberry Amaranth Smoothie
  4. My latest baby – walnut oat cream with baked banana – sooo good

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