3 super easy and healthy breakfast ideas

Are you a breakfast lover or do you prefer to eat nothing early in the morning? It’s not that bad to start the day with a healthy and delicious breakfast! You are in hurry very often? Try out one of my 3 super easy and healthy breakfast ideas. 5 reasons why you should eat breakfast … Weiterlesen

Apple Pie Smoothie from @klaraslife


Who gets mouth watering by reading apple pie? You will love this smoothie for sure!

I’m totally happy today because I introduce you to a special girl I met on Instagram. I love to share my passion of food and blogging with others who feel exactly the same. It is really special to learn all this blogging and photography stuff and it is really helpful to talk to each other and learn. Klara is a person living in Germany with her dog and her chickens (aww I love them!). She is a quiet and balanced young woman who shares her passion of food in her blog and Instagram account. I adore her recipes and love every single one. It’s a dream from us to visit a food photography course together sometime. It is a bit difficult because we live far away from each other. I’m so happy to publish an interview as well as one of my favorite smoothies from her. Her apple pie smoothie. This creamy filling smoothie is a base in my weekly breakfast routine. It is easy to prepare, super healthy and tasty so good. Thank you Klara!

Interview with Klara

What’s your Name?

My name is Kathrin Salzwedel.

Where are you living?

I live in a small town near to the beautiful university town of Tübingen.

Can you tell me something about you?

I love to be in nature, preferably on horseback or while hiking in the mountains. I also go running regularly during the week. You can enjoy your workout and your head will be free.
On my blog Klaraslife I share my passion for healthy, simple and delicious dishes.

Wheat means healthy living for you?

Besides my passion for nature. I live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Healthy living means to me, that you can hear what your body wants and needed. He knows very well what we needed.
If possible avoid stress and hectic to take time for themselves and learn to appreciate the little things in life. This has all to do with each other. I always like to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, plant based or coconut yogurt or vegan cheese. Everything fresh and without additives. If I’m sweet tooth have, then I eat a piece chocolate or homemade cake.
And I´m happy. One should not put under pressure, it is „only“ eat 🙂

What is your favorite meal?

I’m a total breakfast lover. I prefer to get up earlier, than I start my day without my breakfast. My favorite food is overnight soaked oats and porridges in different versions; with fresh fruit, nut butter or with matcha or baobab powder. And smoothies like my Apple Pie Smoothie.

Apple Pie Smoothie from Klara

Serve 1

200ml almond milk (or any other milk you prefer)
2 small apples (pelled)
5 tbsp rolled oats
2 tbsp hemp seed
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Place oats and the milk into your blender and let it soak for 30 minutes. The oats should be soften.
  2. Now add all ingredients into the blender. Blend until soft. If it too thick add more milk.

*NOTES: If you don´t have time in the morning, soak your oats overnight!

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Ohne Titel

Website: klaraslifeblog
Instagram: @klaraslife

You could be interested in these posts as well:

  1. Make the perfect smoothie more filling
  2. Spirulina Smoothie Bowl with green
  3. Blueberry Amaranth Smoothie
  4. My latest baby – walnut oat cream with baked banana – sooo good

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Muesli and Granola as a simply, fast and healthy breakfast version

Muesli is one of the best healthy Breakfast ideas ever! As you maybe read in one of my previous posts about „Dietary Change for a better wellbeing“. I publsihed the tip to make your own muesli to avoid unhealthy additives. I’m sure not everybody loves to spend a lot of time in the kitchen especially in the morning. As a result of this I like to inform more about muesli and granola as a simply, fast and healthy breakfast version.

A few years ago I started to buy my ready muesli in the supermarket. I don’t know that is wasn’t that healthy I thought. All the hidden unhealthy additives like industrial sugar or sweetened dried fruits wasn’t clearly evident for me. Especially sugar is used in thousands of supposed healthy products you can’t clearly realize by reading the ingredients. There are some titles you can recognize sugar. For example glucose or sucrose. If you like to learn more read this article: Refined Sugar – The Sweetest poison of All…

Muesli is definitely a perfect base to have a healthy breakfast. As I can see in my food community muesli is used really often as a base. Mixed up with everything you like it’s totally flexible. Muesli makes full for longer because of the cereals and roughage.

I prefer walnuts and sunflower seeds in my muesli while my husband loves coconut chips and apple. He use the 3,8% organic dairy milk and I use plant based milk like hemp milk or my self-made walnut milk. I only use natural sweetener for my muesli like dates, apples, bananas or sometimes honey. The best is to top your muesli with a good and crunchy granola like my Coconut Granola with dried flowers

Granola – What is that?

Granola is a little bit different to muesli because it is baked until the ingredients form crunchy clusters. Granola contains dried fruits, healthy oils and liquid sweetener. It is only used for topping mueslis or smoothies. It is really difficult to find high quality granola in the store. I only found this one which is really good. Sure it is a bit expensive but high qualified as well: Lizis Granola.

Beside my Coconut Granola I love this Crispy Granola version from my friend  Heike @tastyasheck. As agreed with Heike I’m so happy to publish it here on my Blog. Heike is one of my absolutely favorite inspirations. She takes care of a fair food use and her Food Photography is always colorful and makes me smiling. You can see more from her work here:  Heike @tastyasheck

Thank you so much Heike for this stunning recipe!

1-Heike (2) 1-Heike (1)

CRISPY GRANOLA from Heike @tastyasheck


1 cup quinoaflakes
1 cup glutenfree oats
1 cup buckwheat (sprouted if you like)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pumpkinseeds
2 ripe bananas
1 tsp vanilla powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup coconut oil @royalgreen2008
2 tbsp nutbutter or coconutbutter or tahini
3/4 cup coconut flakes

dried berries like green raisins, mulberries, gojiberries or cacao nibs

1-Muesli and Granola (1)


  1. Preheat the oven on 170°C/335°F
  2. Line a baking tray with 2 baking sheet, overlapping the tray on every side.
  3. Mash the bananas until soft
  4. Add the melted oil, vanilla powder plus the melted butter (melt over a water bath) and mix well
  5. In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients except coconut chips and dried fruits
  6. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and incorporate with a spatula
  7. Press evenly on the baking tray
  8. After 10 min. remove from the oven and flip over
  9. Place back in the oven for another 10min
  10.  Repeat as before and place back for 5 -10 min depending you oven, before it starts to smell fragrant
  11. Remove and add the coconut chips and toast for another 5min
  12.  Remove and let cool down completely
  13. optional: add 1/2 cup of dried berries/cacao nibs and store in a airtight container for up 2 weeks or in the freezer for up to 2 months (no need to defrost before…)

1-Muesli and Granola (3)

Here you find my personal tips for making a good muesli:

• 1/3 Cereals and Nuts
• 1/3 fresh fruits
• 1/3 Yoghurt, Dairy Milk or plant-based Milk
• Dried fruits like dates as a natural sweetener
• Crunchy ingredients like Granola
• Soft ingredients like fruits
• Use a happy and nice bowl you like to serve
• Cut the fruits in bite-size
• Try out and write down your favorite combination
• Mix your muesli in advance to reduce stress

Have Fun and enjoy!

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