Foolproof low carb super healthy fruity nut loaf

Are you cookbook addicted as well? I’m working on a big giveaway for you. I want to giveaway some of my favorite cookbooks as well as some favorite products from on of my favorite organic brand. As you read in my latest blog post I’m a hobbyblogger and have less time to publish a new post … Weiterlesen

Make the perfect Smoothie more filling

Doesn’t sound that good? Perfect Smoothie?

Self-made smoothies are a perfect breakfast for everyone who like to give yourself a treat.
A lot of people asked me a lot of questions about my smoothies. I was really surprised about the big interested in how I make my breakfast smoothies. So I am really happy to share my experiences with you.

Banana Strawberry Milkshake

The Top-Smoothie Questions from you:

  1. Do you get really replete by drinking a smoothie?
  2. What are the best ingredients for a perfect smoothie?
  3. What fruits are the best for making a smoothie?
  4. Can I really add vegetables or greens in my smoothie?
  5. What do you use to get a creamy smoothie?

1. Do you get really replete by drinking a smoothie?

Most of the people are really thinking drinking a smoothie can’t make you replete until lunch time. Sure, it depends on what you are use in sour smoothie. If you are only use water, a salad leaf and an apple you will never get replete until lunch time (about 4-5 hours). But if you add nuts, seeds, chia seeds or coconut milk you will get full for sure. I don’t calculate my smoothie on calories, I normally eat until my stomach said stop. But a friend of my calculate one smoothie from me and came to 500-600 calories per jar. So in this case I drink one big smoothie in the morning and eat normal lunch 4-5 hours later.

2. What are the best ingredients for a perfect smoothie?

If you like to keep you full for longer you need to add nuts or seeds to your smoothie as well. I prefer soaked cashew nuts because they have a light nutty taste. Oats or soaked buckwheat are also a great smoothie ingredient. Soaking the nuts, seeds, grains or buckwheat overnight makes them more digestible. If you like only to provide your body with amazing healthy vitamins and minerals you can also drink a “light” perfect smoothie (only water and some fruits or greens) here and there. My preference is to use a smoothie as a breakfast so my smoothies are really substantial. I try to bring a big variety in my smoothies during the week. Sometimes I only make fruit smoothies, sometimes I mix up some kale or spinach with a banana and mix it up. Most of the people who saw my Kale smoothie talking about it: “Kale in a smoothie? That couldn’t be delicious!” Trust me! It is. Because I don’t mix up ONLY KALE. It is the combination of kale, natural sweetener like dates, some fruits and milk. Why not use greens in a smoothie to get a big burst of vitamins and minerals to start in the day?

3. What fruits are the best for making a smoothie?

The biggest tip I read in the last years was to freeze bananas. Because it is so hard to have perfect ripe banana at home all the time. I freeze them peeled in cubes when they are on the best point. Pick them up directly from the freezer is such a benefit because the smoothies get cold after mixing. I also freeze kale to have it during all seasons at home. So bananas are really really the best fruit for a smoothie. I often mix up banana with other fruits. Banana makes a smoothie also more creamy as an apple. I also often use frozen berries which I combine with ingredients to make a smoothie creamy.

4. Can I really add vegetables or greens in my smoothie?

To use a smoothie to eat more vegetables during the day is such a great idea! I need to learn who to add greens and vegetables to get a smoothie I really like to drink. Because drinking a smoothie which taste like a zucchini is not my favorite. My perfect smoothie need to be sweet. So my trick is only to add some leafs or a piece of zucchini. You don’t taste it but you get all the healthy benefits. It works really good! Greens are the best source of secondary plant substances and chlorophyll which are so healthy for your body.

5. What do you use to get a creamy smoothie?

First of all: Don’t use to much liquid. Whatever you use! Don’t use to much! There are a few tricks to get a creamy perfect smoothie. First one is to soak nuts, seeds, grains or buckwheat overnight. Second is to use ripe bananas and third is to use nut milk instead of water. Fourthly is to add avocado because avocado is one of the creamiest fruit on the planet. And my last tip is to use a good blender to mix it up. I started with a good blender but since I have my Vitamix my smoothies are on the top of creaminess.

I hope my smoothie tips will help you to prepare your perfect smoothie my friends!

Here you find some of my favorite smoothie recipes:

Perfect Smoothie

Blueberry Amaranth Smoothie

Creamy Kale Detox Smoothie nab Perfect Smoothie

Creamy Kale Detox Smoothie

Kurkuma Cashew Smoothie NEU Perfect Smoothie

Turmeric Cashew Smoothie with Lemon

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