*This post is sponsored by Pinnertest
I can’t be more happy to teamed up with Pinnertest to try out their Food Intolerance Test! I really was interested in a Food Intolerance Test before I meet this company. But I didn’t got an idea where to make one.
What is a Food Intolerance Test?
Food intolerance occurs when your body cannot properly digest and convert the foods you eat into the necessary nutrients that fuel your system. This maldigestion causes inflammation, which leads to many negative food intolerance related symptoms including fatigue, migraine & headaches, eczema, bloating, gas, congestion, weight gain, brain fog, joint aches, acid reflux, food cravings, diarrhea, skin rash and more.
If you experience any of the symptoms above and cannot explain why, it’s a possibility that you’re suffering from an unidentified food intolerance. The best way to identify these food intolerances is by taking a Pinnertest—a next generation blood test that can determine a client’s individual food intolerances.
How to make a Food Intolerance Test
It is really simple to make this test. You only need to get your test equipment from Pinnertest and prick your fingertip to get a few drops of blood. You may quickly return the blood sample back. In just seconds, you just draw a few drops of blood from your fingertip and return it on a sample pad, free of charge with the envelope provided inside the Pinnertest box.
The results
You will receive the results via email within 7-10 business days. You will receive a PDF with all informations. It’s really good to understand because you get a list with the food products you are intolerant in and not.
I attached my report for you to see how it looks like.
My results
As it seems I’m intolerant in wheat, oats, soy beans and mango. Damn! I love oats! But it is really good to know.
What I will do know is to eat these products and listen to my body very carefully. I’m really interested if I feel bad after eating. Normally I don’t feel very uncomfortable after eating oats. Sometimes I thought I can’t handle wheat. I’m sure it would be a great idea to eliminate it from my diet. I will let you know how it works.
More information about Food Intolerance and a tee to buy on: Pinnertest
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