Meet Lynn from

I am really happy to introduce you to Lynn from Lynn is one of my long-term friends from Instagram. She is running a wonderful food blog with lots of healthy recipes and her Instagram Account @heavenlynnhealthy is bringing lots of inspirations every day.


What’s your name?
My name is Lynn Hoefer.

Where are you living?
I’m currently living in a small town in Germany called Lüneburg, which is about a thirty-minute drive from Hamburg. I moved here 18 months ago from Raleigh, North Carolina, where I got my Bachelor’s degree. Right now I am doing my Master’s degree at the University of Lüneburg.

Can you tell me something about you?
I’m quite a positive person with a passion for vegetables and legumes, aka healthy food. That’s why I started my blog Heavenlynn Healthy exactly one year ago, where I share healthy, mostly plant based recipes. I am also quite an active person, having done track and field on a semi-professional level most of my adolescence. Now I love anything that gets me sweating such as running, high intensity interval training (HIIT), Tabata or TRX. I also like to run a half marathon every once in a while. However, in the past three years I’ve started doing Yoga and meditation, both of which help me relax and calm down after a stressful day.

Wheat means healthy living for you?
For me, healthy living means eating food that gives you energy, and finding the right balance between our busy schedules, and me-time. This can be done by focusing more on yourself, and eating healthy is a great way to start putting yourself first. Taking time to plan meals, going grocery shopping on the farmers market, and then preparing the food in the kitchen can be really calming and relaxing, and it’s almost like meditation for me. Eating fresh produce in home-cooked meals makes me incredibly happy, however, I am not someone who says that there is one right way to healthy living. We are all unique, we have different tastes and needs, so I believe that everyone needs to find their own way of healthy living. I do not like to label how I eat, because my taste changes all the time, and sticking to one strict diet can be stressful and a bit unsocial at times. I still eat „bad“ food sometimes, but I do not make myself feel bad about it afterwards. Balance is the key to everything, and healthy eating should not be an obsession in my opinion.

What is your favorite meal?
At the moment (and for the past 6 months at least) my healthy pad thai with peanut sauce and coriander has been my favorite meal. My boyfriend and I eat it at least twice a week for lunch or dinner. However, I am actually a big breakfast person. I can easily skip lunch, but I could never start the day without a proper breakfast. I also rarely eat breakfast on the go, even if this means that I have to get up an hour early in the morning. Eating breakfast while reading the news (or checking Instagram ;-)) is part of me-time, which is so important for a healthy, balanced life.

Find Lynns favorite recipe her: Healthy Pad Thai


2 Gedanken zu „Meet Lynn from“

  1. Hi Janine,
    I had a great look around your blog today, as I have been meaning to do so for some time, for my friends like you.
    I just love it. What a great job you have done!

    I really liked this interview with Lynn. I would love to do something similar on my blog, and do an interview with you as well. As you are a huge inspiration.

    Jo xx

    • Hi Jo, so great to read a comment from you. You know I really adore your work. Let’s talk about doing an interview on your page. Best is to eMail me to speak about the details. Can’t wait to read from you hon. xoxo Janine


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